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#PriyankaChopra smokes on yacht in Miami, Trolls

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Priyanka Chopra gets massively trolled by Twitterati for smoking ‘She is taking medicine to avoid Asthma. But recently she was found smoking a cigarette on a yacht in Miami. The Trolls ask asthma sirf Diwali mein hota hai kya?

Some said, “I think she is smoking pollution free cigarettes….”

While others recalled the famous teacher student joke, “Teachers: We should not smoke, drink. Those are bad habits. Backbenchers smoke.”

Some mocked by writing, “The asthma Priyanka Chopra developed on Diwali has been cured and she is absolutely fine.”

While others added, “Now she is smoking cigarette to get asthma back so that she could again ask people to not burn crackers in Diwali’s pollution free advertisement.”

Here is how the twitterati trolled it and exposed the alleged hypocrisy

Priyanka’s 18-Sep-18 tweet on her suffering from asthma