Sridevi, Bollywood, Boney Kapoor

Mystery surrounds Srivedi death, cops check call details of hotel staff, family, question Boney Kapoor

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Sridevi’s death in mysterious conditions has given rise to suspicions and Dubai Cops have been questioning Boney Kapoor who has also been disallowed from leaving Dubai without permission. The police are also checking phone call details of Boney Kapoor, Sridevi, hotel staff and other family members in order to find a clue Read More details

INDIA Updated February 27, 2018: 1:30PM IST:

All seems to be not well after the death of Bollywood actress Sridevi. First, the world did not believe that a 54 year old ‘Miss Hawa Hawai’ who used to exercise and in best of her health could die. People in India were taken aback after the death of Sridevi and whoever heard had passed a strange look.

On Monday, the UAE Ministry of Health had issued the forensic report after digging into the circumstances in which the actress died. But the report was called as flawed by many and was considered to be fake as the report mentioned the cause as death due to ‘drawning.’ There was much suspicion on the authenticity of the report just because of the spelling of drawning which should have been drowning instead of drawning.

Also Read and Check the report here:  Sridevi Dies Due to Accidental Drowning: UAE Forensic Report

On Tuesday, as per the latest updates, there suspicion over the death of the actress has intensified as Dubai police and other agencies have started digging deep into the causes of her death. As per reports, Sridevi’s husband Boney Kapoor has been disallowed from leaving the hotel and has been told to be present for questioning into the matter. He has also been disallowed from flying outside Dubai and would need prior permission from Dubai police if he needs to go outside the city.

Meanwhile, Dubai police are intensively checking call logs of Boney Kapoor, Sridevi, the entire hotel staff and family and trying to find a clue.

On the other hand, Sridevi’s cremation has been delayed as there has been delay in repatriation of her body since she died in suspicious condition. It is believed that the body could be handed over to the family on Wednesday and the same would be brought back to India and cremated.

Also Read: Sridevi’s Sudden Demise Shocks Nation