Know more about #WorldPasswordDay and why you should change your passwords more often… news India, World Password Day, World, news India, #World Password Day #Password Day #Day #Password
News Report By: Team VB News | First Published on: Thursday, 5-May-2022 04:58:49 | Updated On: Thursday, 5-May-2022 04:58:49 | Report Language: English | Report Source: Online Sources | Source Confirmed: True | Report Category: news India | What is associated with this report: World Password Day | Place Name: World | Audio Report: NO | Video Report: NO | Read Time: 5 Minute Read | ©VisheshBaat |
Snapshot: In this report you will be reading about:
- World Password Day
- Change Your Password Today
- Worst UK regions for cyber-crime
- Its time be aware and spread awareness
- It’s #WorldPasswordDay.
- Are bio-metrics as passwords safe?
- #WorldPasswordDay joke
- How easy to remember passwords are a key to goldmine for cyber criminals?
- How to make passwords stronger?
- Top 10 Passwords Found On Dark Web:
- Protect your digital assets
- Facts About World Password Day
A day dedicated to updating our personal passwords, and spreading awareness of password strength importance. This #WorldPasswordDay use 3 random words to protect your email account.
Most cyber attacks and data breaches remain the result of weak password security. So, with a growing number of more secure alternatives now available, why are they still widely used?
It is so important that there is also a day dedicated to it – World Password Day. And, it is celebrated each year on the first Thursday of the month of May. In 2022, the day is being celebrated on May 5.4 hours ago
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ऐसी WhatsApp Viral Videos Photos जो आपको दीवाना बना देChange Your Password Today
Intel created World Password Day — the first Thursday of May (May 5) — to address the critical need for solid passwords. The organizers want to educate the world on the importance of having a strong password. Weak passwords lead to compromised accounts. Celebrate this World Password Day with good password practices. Protect your accounts.
Worst UK regions for cybercrime
World Password Day: A study revealed worst UK regions for cybercrime. Wales is the UK’s cybercrime hotspot, North West is the UK’s second cybercrime hotspot. A #phishing operation compromised over 100 UK National Health Service (NHS) employees’ Microsoft Exchange email accounts for credential harvesting purposes.
Its time be aware and spread awareness
Do you have friends or family whose passwords are lacking in the strength department? Today is #WorldPasswordDay, the ideal time to give them a friendly nudge!

It’s #WorldPasswordDay.
Think about how strong your passwords are and if you need to update them. When it comes to confidential content like your password just #keepmum
Are biometrics as passwords safe?
On #WorldPasswordDay, this is just a friendly reminder that the weakest passwords you have are your biometrics. You can’t change your face or fingerprints but they can, and are being, copied and used.
#WorldPasswordDay joke
Today is #WorldPasswordDay. Tell me your @Twitter password and I will tell you your future. Try it out.
How easy to remember passwords are a key to goldmine for cyber criminals?
A simple and easy to remember password won’t take a determined cyber criminal too long to crack. Plus, there are a lot of software which are intelligent enough to crack passwords in minutes…or say seconds.
How to make passwords stronger?
- Combining random words, symbols and numbers adds more complexity to your password. #WorldPasswordDay
- #WorldPasswordDay keep your accounts secure by: Creating passwords with #ThreeRandomWords
- Use a mixture of numbers, characters and letters
- Using a password manager
- Enable #2FA on e-mail accounts / apps
Top 10 Passwords Found On Dark Web:
1 123456
2 123456789
3 qwerty
4 password
5 12345
6 12345678
7 111111
8 1234567
9 123123
10 qwerty123
Protect your digital assets
Cyber attacks are on the increase worldwide, and one sure fire way to ensure the safety of your digital assets is to protect all passwords for your business user accounts, company wide!
Facts About World Password Day
Which company started World password Day?
Intel Security was inspired by the idea and declared a day dedicated to password security known as World Password Day
Why World password Day?
The aim of World Password Day is to create awareness about the need for strong password security.
Is today National password Day?
Year Date Day
2022 5th May Thursday
2023 4th May Thursday
2024 2nd May Thursday
Which one is the strongest password?
The key aspects of a strong password are length (the longer the better); a mix of letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols, no ties to your personal information, and no dictionary words.
What is weak password?
A password that is easy to detect both by humans and by computer. People often use obvious passwords such as the names of their children or their house number in order not to forget them.
What is the hardest 4 digit password?
Nearly 11% of the 3.4 million passwords are 1234. That is 374,000! It was found more often than the lowest 4,200 codes combined. The second most popular 4-digit PIN is 1111 at almost 6% (204,000). This is what they found.
Rank PIN Freq
#1 1234 10.713%
#2 1111 6.016%
#3 0000 1.881%
#4 1212 1.197%
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The Report was First Published on 5/5/2022 4:58:49 PM & was Last Updated on 5/5/2022 4:58:49 PM The Report is being updated, kindly check back again… Report Source: Online Sources