Unborn Baby Taken Out Of Womb, Operated & Put Back
It was tough for Bethan Simpson (mother) to take a decision – Whether to go for surgery or terminate the pregnancy.
In a revolutionary surgery, doctors from University college hospital and Great Ormond Street hospital removed an unborn baby from it’s mother’s womb, performed a surgery and then put it again to mother’s womb.
Baby Had Spina Bifida
When the doctor’s found that the baby of 26 years old Bethan Simpson had spina bifida, they ask her to either terminate the pregnancy or go for the new procedure called fetal surgery.

Picture for representational purpose only
24 Weeks Old Baby Simpson
The surgery took place once Simpson reached 24 weeks. The doctor’s removed the foetus from her womb, repaired it’s spinal cord and then successfully put the baby back in the mother’s womb for rest of her pregnancy.
What is Spina Bifida