News Wrap: Security upped in UP, Cyclone Ockhi weakens

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Security beefed up in UP on Babri Masjid demolition’s 25th anniversary

On Babri Masjid demolition’s 25th anniversary, security was beefed up in sensitive areas in Ayodhya and parts of Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. Notably, it was only a day before that the Supreme Court has reportedly deferred hearing on the Babri Masjid demolition case till the 2019 general elections on the plea that the judgement on the crucial case might affect the mandate.

Experts suggest that deferring decision on the Babri Masjid case might have impact on Gujarat Assembly elections. Meanwhile, speaking at a rally in Gujarat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused Congress and Kabil Sibbal of politicising the Ayodhya issue and linking of Ram Mandir with polls. Notably, Sibbal had pleaded before court that the case be not decided before the general election proposed in 2019 as it might affect the mandate. 

#Demolition of Babri Masjid, #RamJanmabhoomi, #Ayodhyadispute


Cyclone Ockhi weakens

Fresh reports from Indian Metereological department suggests that Cyclone Ockhi has weakened and it may not altogether hit the Gujarat coast. The report is considered to be a sigh of relief for political leaders of both the BJP and the Congress as the state is up with poll campaigning and any Cyclone could dampen the prospects of canvassing in affected areas. Notably, BJP chief Amit Shah had to cancel his poll campaigns in Gujarat due to storm warning in some areas.

#CycloneOckhi, #Gujaratpolls, #Gujaratpolls2017

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