भारत में पिछले 24 घंटों में 3,377 कोविड-19 मामले दर्ज, 60 मौतें
भारत में पिछले 24 घंटों में 3,377 कोविड-19 मामले दर्ज, 60 मौतें #covid #covidupdate #coviddeaths
भारत में पिछले 24 घंटों में 3,377 कोविड-19 मामले दर्ज, 60 मौतें #covid #covidupdate #coviddeaths
COVID-19 पीड़ितों को मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र जारी करने की कोई समान नीति है?
#covid, #coviddeaths, #covidcertificate, #deathcertificate, #covid19deaths
India – The world’s largest democracy elects its new government. On May 23 8 AM onwards trends and results will start. Stay with us for election result live updates…#loksabhaelection2019#loksabhaelectionresult#countingresult#india#indiaresult#lspollresult
Earthquake of Magnitude:3.2 has hit the Mumbai Thane area in Maharashtra late night. The earthquake Occurred on:02-01-2018, 02:21:48 IST, The Location of the earthquake in Mumbai was Lat:19.8 N &… Read more »
@WhatsApp not working for the past 40 minutes. heavy load on server after people in #India started sending #HappyNewYear messages on Whatsapp. @reliancejio network is also slow after 12 am