The new rules for DTH and Cable operators by Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India will come into force from February 1 and 31st January is the new deadline for the subscribers to choose the channels for which they want to pay.

The proposition is that with these new rules, your cable television bill will be lower at least from what it used to be. The notice by TRAI was issued on December 28 and deadline was revised to January 31. Previously, the deadline for migration was December 29, 2018. TRAI has mentioned that the cable and DTH operators need to assure that the transition should be smooth.

The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and cable) Services Standards of Quality of Service and Consumer Protection (Addressable Systems) Regulations, 2017
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs About New DTH Rules –
Source: TRAI
I want to subscribe only 10 pay channels. Whether I would be required to pay Network Capacity Fee in addition to price of Pay Channels?
In addition to Network capacity fee as explained above, you have to pay charges for pay channel as per MRP declared by the broadcaster. However, Distributors of television channels has freedom to fix the Distributor retail prices of a-la-carte pay channels for their customers by offering discount on the MRP of pay channels declared by the broadcasters. The DRP cannot exceed the MRP in any case.
What are the provisions for obtaining Cable Service /DTH service?
Procedure for new connection is as under:
Every Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, at the time of providing connection to a consumer, shall inform him about complete details of services, including but not limited to, maximum retail price per month and Distributor retail price per month of a-la-carte channels or bouquets, network capacity fee per month and the price of customer premises equipment, security deposit, rental amount, guarantee/warrantee, maintenance provisions and ownership of customer premises equipment, as may be applicable.
Every Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall provide broadcasting services related to television to the consumer upon obtaining duly filled Consumer Application Form as prescribed in Schedule I of the QoS regulations, 2017 and provide a copy of the same to the consumer.
Every Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall, by using the subscriber management system, assign a unique identification number to every subscriber which shall be communicated to the subscriber through Short Message Service (SMS) to the registered mobile number of the subscriber and other means of communication such as email, b-mail, monthly bill or payment receipt as may be deemed appropriate.
Is there any Consumer application Form prescribed by TRAI?
The Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall activate broadcasting services related to television to the subscriber only after the details of Consumer Application Form of such subscriber have been entered into the subscriber management system subject payment of charges for broadcasting services related to television shall be payable by the subscriber from the date of activation of such services.
Is there any amount to be paid upfront for getting a new connection?
A Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, may charge an amount not exceeding rupees three hundred and fifty as a one-time installation charge for installation of a new connection for providing the broadcasting services related to television.
A Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, may charge an amount not exceeding rupees one hundred as a one-time activation charge for activating the broadcasting services related to television.
-What amount we have to pay for CPE to the DTH Operators/ Cable Operators?
Every Distributor or its linked local cable operator shall provide to every subscriber the set top box. It shall be permissible for every subscriber to buy a set top box of approved quality from the open market, if available, which is technically compatible with the system of the Distributor of television channels.
The Distributor or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall not compel any subscriber to buy or take on rent the set top box from him alone.
Every Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall offer customer premises equipment to every consumer under the following schemes:
outright purchase scheme, and (ii) rental scheme:
Who owns the CPE provided by distributors?
In case of outright purchase scheme, the Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall specify the retail price of customer premises equipment along with guarantee/warranty period. The guarantee/warranty period in respect of such customer premises equipment shall be for at least one year. The ownership of such customer premises equipment shall rest with subscriber.
– What is the installation charge prescribed under new regulation?
A Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, may charge an amount not exceeding rupees three hundred and fifty as a one-time installation charge for installation of a new connection for providing the broadcasting services related to television.
A Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, may charge an amount not exceeding rupees one hundred as a one-time activation charge for activating the broadcasting services related to television.
What is the procedure for maintenance of CPE?
Distributor or a cable operator is responsible for maintaining the Set Top Box if the same is provided under rental scheme or Bundled Scheme of STB in a good working condition to ensure uninterrupted services to a subscriber for a minimum period of 3 years. Further it shall be permissible to DTH operator to charge an amount not exceeding Rs 250 as a visiting charge per registered complaint requiring visit of a person to subscriber premises for carrying out repair and maintenance services.
-What are provisions for change in subscription plans of broadcasting services for TV channels?
Distributor or cable operator shall not change subscription plans of a subscriber unless the subscriber request for the same. Further Distributor or cable operator as the case may be should keep the record of such change for at least 3 month from the dated of receipt of such from the subscriber.
What are the billing and payment options for consumers?
Every Distributor or cable operator offering services both on pre-paid and postpaid basis shall change payment mechanism from prepaid to post paid or vice versa as the case may be on the request made by the subscriber from the next billing cycle. The distributor shall not charge any amount from the subscriber for such change in payment mechanism
What are the provisions of temporary disconnection?
Yes, subscriber at least 15 days prior to the suspension date should make a request to his Distributor of cable operator for temporary suspension of service. The temporary suspension shall be for a minimum period of 1 month or multiples thereof.
-Can a DTH operator change the channels or bouquet of channels in a package?
No Distributor should discontinue any bouquet or channels in a bouquet by a subscriber during locking period or during period for which advance is paid by the subscriber if all the channels forming part of the bouquet is available on its platform
-What if my DTH operator discontinues the channels subscribed and paid in advance by me?
In case if the channel is discontinuing, a subscription charges of that bouquet should be reduced by an amount equivalent to discounted Distributor retail price of that channel. The Distributor should not substitute any channel in lieu of discontinued channels on its own.
What are the provisions for closure of DTH subscription?
A subscriber can request for disconnection at least 15 days in advance to the DTH operator. The DTH operator shall disconnect the connection and refund the deposit within 7 days subject to fulfilment of terms and conditions of services.
-Is compliance officer of a broadcaster/distributor also authorized to resolve subscriber’s grievances?
No. The compliance officer designated under respective regulations is responsible for-
Generating awareness for ensuring compliance with the provisions of these regulations.
Reporting to the Authority, with respect to compliance with these regulations and directions of the Authority issued under these regulations.
Ensuring that proper procedures have been established and are being followed for compliance of these regulations.
For redressal of complaints of subscribers, every Distributor shall appoint nodal officers for every state.
-What can we do if my DTH operator does not provide me channels on ala carte rate and force me to subscribe bouquet?
The interconnection regulations mandate broadcasters to offer a-la-carte rates to all Distributors. Therefore, Distributors are required to provide channels on a-lacarte basis to the subscribers. Customer awareness and the mandatory provisions would result in availability of this facility in the Distributor network. Further, violation of provisions of regulations will be dealt as per the provisions of TRAI Act.
-Has TRAI provided any regulations for complaint redressal under new regulations?
For redressal of complaints, the Distributor shall establish a customer care centre which shall contain toll free customer care number having sufficient number of lines, interactive voice response system having 3 levels. Further, the details of complaints redressal shall be published on its website and also use different means such as SMS, TV scrolls, printing in bills etc.
-What are the time limits specified for redressal of complaint raised by consumers?
The Time limits specified for redressal of consumer complaints in the QoS Regulation 2017 are summarised below:

-What is the role of the Nodal officer in the redressal of the complaint of the subscriber?
In case a subscriber is not satisfied with the redressal of complaint by the customer care centre, such subscriber may approach the nodal officer of the distributor of television channels for redressal of his complaint. The Nodal officer designated under respective regulations is responsible for-
Register every complaint lodged by the subscriber;
Issue an acknowledgement to the subscriber within two days from the date of the receipt of the complaint indicating there in the unique complaint number; • Redress such complaints of subscriber within ten days from the date of the receipt of the complaint and intimate the decision taken thereon in respect of such compliant to the subscriber.
-To what extent my personal information/data shared with distributors/ Local Cable operators are safe?
Every Distributor of television channels or its linked local cable operator, as the case may be, shall ensure privacy and protection of subscribers’ personal information and the same shall not be used for any other purpose except in accordance with law.
-Consumers can select 100 SD Channels of their choice as basic tier services for a sum of Rs. 130/- per month. What if, any LCO/distributor does not have sufficient channels on its platform to meet the demand of consumers’ choice?
Distributors of television channels would charge a monthly rental amount of maximum Rs. 130/- (excluding taxes) per month from a subscriber for subscribing a network capacity of 100 SD channels. Subscribers would have to exercise their option to select any number of channels out of channels available on the distribution platform.
Will there be any discount in a-la-carte?
The Broadcaster is akin to a manufacturer producing a product and Distributor of TV channel is like a retailer who sells a product to the consumers. The price of the product is decided by the manufacturer and the retailer cannot sell the product over the MRP. The broadcasters are, therefore, required to declare the MRP of their channel. The Distributors, however, can sell the channel by declaring DRP below MRP.
What amount I have to pay, if I opt for only 2 Pay channels of my choice?
The price of a channel has two components MRP of channel declared by broadcaster and the cost of network for carriage of channel by distributors.
Distributors of television channels can charge a monthly rental amount of maximum Rs. 130/- (excluding taxes) per month from a subscriber for subscribing a network capacity of 100 SD channels. In addition, they may charge price of pay channel, if any subscribed by the consumer.
The Authority has, however, provided freedom to Distributors of television channels to fix the Distributor retail prices of a-la-carte pay channels for their customers by offering discount on the MRP of pay channels declared by the broadcasters. Distributor may also offer basic services below Rs. 130/- to its subscribers.
Therefore, it would be better for a subscriber to opt for as many channels up that will cover the network capacity fee.
-Whether the price of bouquet will be made publically available by the Broadcasters/distributors for consumers?
Broadcasters have to declare nature and MRP of their pay channels and bouquets of pay channels for subscribers (Clause 3). MRP of a-la-carte channels and bouquet of channels will be uniform for all the distribution platform (Clause 3). Similarly, Distributors will have to declare DRP of their pay channels and bouquets of pay channels for subscribers (Clause 4).
-What amount we would pay if I take one more (second) connection for another TV in my house from the same distributor?
In addressable system, each set-top box becomes a unique identity of the subscriber. Therefore, each set- top box is counted as one subscriber for the purpose of calculation of subscription fee payable to the broadcasters.
In case of a household with multiple TV connection, usually there is a single connection between distributors premises to that household for carriage of channels. From single connection multiple connections are provided. Therefore, complete flexibility has been given to distributors to charge for multiple TV connections in a household.